Piano & Flute lessons
How good do I have to be for lessons?
Lessons are provided for beginners through to diploma standard students.
Are lessons one-to-one or in groups?
How long are lessons?
Lessons can be 30 minutes, 45 minutes or an hour in length, depending on the needs of the student.
Where do lessons take place?
Lessons take place at 186 Burton Stone Lane, York, YO30 6DF.
Who will teach me?
Lessons are taken by Tim Farnhill, who is a highly qualified and experienced musician and teacher. For a summary of Tim’s training and experience, please click here.
What pieces will I learn?
For your development it is wise to learn a broad repertoire over time including jazz, modern music and classical. Tim teaches the classical playing technique as this will give you the basis to explore a wide range of music.
How much do lessons cost?
30 minute lessons are £19.50, 45 minute lessons £29.25 and one hour lessons £39.00.
Lessons are charged termly at the beginning of each term.
Payment is by electronic transfer to:
Account Name: T Farnhill
Sort Code: 40-47-45
Account number: 11459694
Payment is also accepted by cheque and cash, however an additional charge may be made for this.
What keyboard to buy??
It is possible to buy a decent second hand upright piano for £1000-£2000, but this will take up quite a bit of room and is more of an investment. If you are interested, the nearest second hand piano shops are in Leeds, such as this one, which has a very wide range of excellent pianos.
To help your child get started, a 61 key, touch sensitive keyboard will be fine and these are much cheaper.
In general, pupils either go with a keyboard like this, or a digital piano like this. In lessons, we use Yamaha PSR keyboards, like this one.
A keyboard stand that is not an X leg design is definitely better, e.g. something like this.
Don’t forget you will also need a stool for your child to sit on whilst they play and headphones are often helpful.
Hope that helps!